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t4.gif (234 bytes)he guild was originally known as MfH, or Mercenaries for Hire.
It was founded in August 1996 during version 1.x, or alpha,
by Duece/Krohn, and a small group of people he had met and
befriended on The Realm. Duece's ideas were simple, yet brilliant.
He wanted a close-knit group dedicated to combating the vile
jumpers and thieves that inhabited the new land, while avoiding
cumbersome rules and regulations of the more formally
structured guilds.


(Forgive me if I have left anyone out.)

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m.jpg (5390 bytes)fH officially disbanded 3/30/97, and CIA rose in its place.
There were several reasons for the disbandment. Primarily, it was
felt  that the name did not adequately describe the guild, or our mission.
Duece chose the initials CIA to be the antithesis of the jumper
guild known as MoB (Masters of Blood).  Thus, Champions In Arms was born.

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b4.gif (300 bytes)uster was our webmaster in version 2.x, and still maintains a
CIA website. Go to:
to view this wonderfully nostalgic tribute to past glories.
Mytram is our current website designer for version 3.x.  He has created a splendid homepage for the guild, which includes a CIA message board. This new site is located at:
We can be found on the Realm channel #142.  It is a private channel, and only listed members and known friends are allowed in; all others must be verified and approved by guild leadership.

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c4.gif (294 bytes)hampions In Arms is a guild dedicated to the annihilation of the darker forces of our world--the Realm.  Testament to our dedication to this cause can be traced back to the very root of this lands existence.
We value all of our members equally; As long as our goals and values are compatible, all races, classes, levels, and alignments are welcome.

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o4.gif (363 bytes)ur main goal is to combat the Opposition.  This is accomplished by hunting jumpers, participating in retalitory actions, gathering and reporting pertinent information to guild leadership, assisting/instructing new members, manufacturing and enchanting weapons/armor, and any other function that furthers guild objectives.  Of equal importance, is maintaining a sense of camaraderie and enjoyment that is essential to enhancing the spirit of the game.

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l4.gif (216 bytes)ower level (non-pvp) members are considered as worthwhile as their higher level (pvp) counterparts, and are useful as scouts and support staff during hunting operations and in the event of an inter-guild war. No member should ever feel that he is too low level or weak to join in training sessions, or guild spars in the Tourney Grove.  It is never too early to begin training, and it is wise to keep in mind that the ultimate goal of all members should be to obtain the levels and experience required to join the ranks of our valiant fighting force. 

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t4.gif (234 bytes)here has been some confusion as to what we stand for.  We define ourselves as chaotic/good vigilantes.  We are totally anti-jumper, and seek to destroy jumpers and thieves "by any means necessary."   (Our guild motto, the Latin phrase "Per fas et nefas" Means "by means just and un-just"-by any means necessary.) There is no restriction on being in an out of character friendship with a jumper, as long as he/she knows you will kill him/her at the slightest opportunity.  Jumpers and their ilk are not to be allowed on channel, and the channel is to be kept private to ensure its sanctity.  We do not treat with jumpers--for any cause.  It is unacceptable to group with the Opposition unless it is for a friendly spar.


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Buster Second in command (8/16/98)
Chidan Treasurer (8/1/98)
Eliphaz2 Head Adventurer (01/08/99)
Gilyn Leader
LadyLevi High Priestess
LordSun Head Wizard
Mytram Webmaster
Otis Advisor
RufusRedwood Ambassador (8/16/98)
(Vacant) Head Warrior
Wolveman Head of Intelligence
Solstice Advisor
Summer Membership Administrator


Guild is under restructuring at this time (08/18/98). New ranking system and guild positions coming *soon*.



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Our current allies are:
(as of 08/18/98)
Asha'man LordThygar
Druidic Order of Mabon
Leestar Hunting Alliance
Guild of Light (GoL) (Defunct?)
Immortal Friends Society (IFS) Alyxander

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Our primary enemies are:
Black Hand Clan (BHC)
Gus Clan Guess
Masters of Blood (MoB) Hognose - Defuct 08/98
Mechs MechDread(?)
Ohana Clan LadyPhonix(?)
Protectors of Destruction
(PoD, formerly MERCS)
Shadow Clan Issek

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Guilds we have adopted a watchful stance on include:
Defenders of Eternity Tauron
Guild of Darkness (GoD)

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