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a4.gif (322 bytes)dmittance procedures are as follows:  When a candidate decides to join our sub-guild F.B.I., (Future Battlers of Injustice) he is required to send me his email address, character information, and information on any past or present guild affiliations. After you application is accepted to begin your trial period, please add the following to you bio:  Pending Member of CIA (FBI).

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a4.gif (322 bytes)fter the trial period served as a members of FBI, candidates will be voted on for full membership within CIA.  Elections are normally held at the beginning of each month.  If a candidate joined FBI before the mid-point of the month, he will be voted on in the next election (at the beginning of the following month, provided all other requirements are met).  If the candidate joined more than halfway through the month, he/she will not be voted on at the begining of the following month, and will have to wait until the next month.

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b4.gif (300 bytes)efore the election,  the council will decide if each candidate has spent enough time on channel to be considered for membership.  It is of great importance to be a visible presence on the guild channel during your trial period. If you are unknown to council members, your name will not be included in the guild-wide vote for that month, and will remain on the FBI list until the next voting cycle. If I do not hear from you within two months, your name will automatically be stricken from the FBI list.  I normally attempt to contact prospective members via email, before taking this step, but with the sheer volume of new members, this is not always possible.

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w4.gif (470 bytes)hen you are voted in, and become members of CIA, I will send you the list of guildmembers email addresses.  I do not have a list of UIN numbers at this time.  You should also make arrangements with Mytram, our webmaster, to either submit, or have your portrait taken for the members page.  His email address is
After you are accepted for full membership, please add the following to your bio:   Member of the CIA.

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a4.gif (322 bytes) valid email address is required of all members, and any changes of characters, addresses, etc. must be submitted to me promptly via email, not Magic Mail, ICQ, or Realm communication of any sort.  This is neccessary to keep accurate records. If mail delivered to you is returned as undeliverable, I will attempt to contact you via one of the aforementioned methods to resolve the problem.  If I do not succeed, you will be placed on the inactive list for a short time before being stricken from the guild roster.  Similarly, I should be notified of any prolonged absence from the game or guild.  It is at my discretion to place you on the inactive list if you have been gone for a extended period of time.

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g4.gif (333 bytes)uild dues are not required at this time, but donations are eagerly accepted.  PVP is expensive, and our heros need all the financial support we can muster.  Contact Chidan, our treasurer, or one of the other council members to arrange to contribute to the guild coffers.

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w4.gif (470 bytes)e condone and encourage stealing from and attacking wicked thieves, scammers, and jumpers--only--and of course anyone who attacks or steals from you.  Any of these actions against our allies, or the other "good" guilds will result in discipline, which may include any or all of the following: 

Repayment/recompense to the victims and/or their guild
Public apology to the victims and/or their guild
Probationary period for the offending member

Second offenses will most likely result in removal from the guild. It is the responsibility of guildmembers to familiarize themselves with our allies and enemies.   Lying, scamming, house-robbing and killing of innocents by any means are considered serious offenses against the guild, and will result in expulsion.
It is also unacceptable to steal the weapons/armor/items of an innocent character who dies while fighting a monster.

Similarly, taunting/insulting our enemies is acceptable, if kept within the bounds of reason.  I personally enjoy matching wits with those precious few of our enemies that have any. Excessive harassment and swearing is frowned upon.

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a4.gif (322 bytes) word about channel etiquette...We enjoy a certain amount of ribald good humor, but some of our members are youngsters, please take this into consideration when speaking on channel. 

Occasionally, guests are invited to the channel; people who are interested in joining, or other non-members who are hunting with one or more members at the time. Please treat them with courtesy. 

If you have a disagreement with another member, especially if it does not involve the guild, please take it to a private channel.  Disruption of the channel will not be tolerated. 

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i4.gif (177 bytes) would like to encourage everyone to try to strive to enhance the spirit of kinship that CIA has always enjoyed.

I look forward to a close association with all new members.  To quote our founder, Krohn:  " I hope you will come to view this guild as more of a family than a guild."  This is what we all strive for.  A close knit, friendly family.

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g4.gif (333 bytes)ood luck, F.B.I., may your blade strike true.

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Leader, C.I.A.
UIN: 415356