Table 2: Magic Weapons
Item Type Pricing Formula
metal weapon (# of materials) x 10
wooden weapon bow: 0; crossbow: 0; heavy crossbow: 350

Table 3: Weapons Suffixes & Prefixes
Magic Property Price Modifier
Accurate + 56
Surpassingly Accurate + 111
Eminently Accurate + 200
Exceedingly Accurate + 333
Supremely Accurate + 1000
Ruin + 300
Might + 625
Force + 1250
Power + 2500
Vanquishing + 5000
Silver + 500

Table 4: Durability Enchantments
Rating Price Modifier
Durable + 10
Substantial + 20
Massive + 30
Fortified + 40
Indestructible + 50*


Weapon Example 1: To price a substantial, surpassingly accurate halberd of might, we must first determine the base value of the item. As the item is not armor, we can immediately skip to Table 2. Using Table 2, we discover that a magic halberd's base value is 200 gold pieces (20 ingots x 10). We must now add the price modifiers for the Surpassingly Accurate property (+111) and the Might adjustment (+625) from Table 3 for a subtotal of 936. Moving on to Table 4, we add 20 for the "Substantial" durability modifier. As the weapon has no spell effects, we skip Table 5. Finally, at Table 6, we Arms Lore the halberd and discover it to be Brand New. We multiply our current total (956) by the appropriate damage adjustment (x1) and are left with a final cost of 956 gold.

Weapon Example 2: To price a new fortified silver war mace of force with , you must start with 140 -- the base price for a magic war mace. You then add 1250 for Force, 500 for Silver and 40 for Fortified. . Adding these all together, we reach a final price of 1,930 gold pieces.

The buy Value is double of teh selling Price so on First example its 956 * 2 = 1912 for second example its 1930 * 2 = 3860

ranges are 6110 - 6900 for this little project (About 2000 Ids, i hope thats enough.. lol)

Battle Axe
Double Axe
Executioner's Axe
War Axe
Large Battle Axe
Two Handed Axe
Heavy Crossbow
War Hammer
Hammer Pick
War Mace
Viking Sword
Short Spear
War Fork


This Suffix have been made already by Tus :

Silver has been made by Rylix

Here a list of Enchants and what tehy are supposed to do :

Armor Enchantments
Prefix Effect
Durable +5 to item HP
Substantial +10 to item HP
Massive +15 to item HP
Fortified +20 to item HP
Indestructible +25 to item HP
Suffix Effect
Key: /+(Neck, Hands), +(Arms, Head, Legs/Feet), +(Body).
Defense +5 / +0.4, +0.7, +2.2 to AR
Guarding +10 / +0.7, +1.4, +4.4 to AR
Hardening +15 / +1.1, +2.1, +6.6 to AR
Fortification +20 / +1.4, +2.8, +8.8 to AR
Invulnerability +25 / +1.8, +3.5, +11.0 to AR
Weapon Enchantments
Prefix Effect
Accurate +5.0 to Tactics or +4.6 to Archery*
Accurate, Surpassingly +10.0 to Tactics or +9.3 to Archery*
Accurate, Eminently +15.0 to Tactics or +14.0 to Archery*
Accurate, Exceedingly +20.0 to Tactics or +18.7 to Archery*
Accurate, Supremely +25.0 to Tactics or +23.3 to Archery*
Durable +10 to item HP
Substantial +20 to item HP
Massive +30 to item HP
Fortified +40 to item HP
Indestructible +50 to item HP
Suffix Effect
Ruin +1 damage
Might +3 damage
Force +5 damage
Power +7 damage
Vanquishing +9 damage
* The bonus is applied to the Archery Skill level (not to Tactics) if the enchanted weapon is a bow or crossbow.